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MRM Ag Service Secures ‘Experimental’ UAV For 2014 Season

MRM Ag. Service, LLC announced today its plans to work with DMZ LLC to purchase a Quad Rotor UAV.

Milas Mainord, Company President stated, “We are excited to be able to bring our Customers the very latest in innovation. We strive to look at new technologies with a critical eye, because we also are involved in farming, and we think the advancement of unmanned aerial aircraft for crop monitoring will become an important tool in a growers tool box. We are proud to be the first in Southern Mo. to offer this technology”

MRM’s Growers will have a unique opportunity in 2014 to be able to experience a bird’s-eye-view of their growing crops with a 3D scouting process. MRM’s Quadcopter will employ digital, high quality photography to give a grower, or our scout an aerial overview of the crops health. The system will be ideal in finding nutrient deficiencies, insect pressure and crop damage from the air. The system will be utilized entirely on an experimental basis in 2014.

Martin Hutcheson, local Grower and customer said, “I am looking forward to seeing how the UAV can bring value to our operation this coming year.”

MRM’s three crop scouts will be in charge of employing the aircraft in their client’s fields for the 2014 growing season.

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