December 2013

Kawak Aviation named in Article for UAS in Oregon

On a Wing and a Dare Pilotless aircraft monitor the environment By Nick Houtman The Vapor, built by Pulse Aerospace of Lakewood, Colorado, can fly as high as 15,000 feet and be flown autonomously or under the control of a ground-based pilot. In a trial run near Corvallis, Michael Wing used the unmanned aerial system […]

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The Designing of a UAS, look to nature

Bat Wings and Butterflies Light-as-a-feather, fiber-reinforced carbon composites give Roberto Albertani an edge in designing unusual aircraft: micro air vehicles that you can hold in the palm of your hand. Such fliers could respond to disasters inside buildings or collect data under tree canopies. To design them, the OSU mechanical engineer studies how they interact

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