February 2012

What’s happening with the Unmanned sector??

http://www.auvsi.org/AUVSI/News/#FAAlaw President Obama Signs FAA Bill into Law Starting the Clock on the FAA’s UAS Integration EffortsFeburary 14, 2012 President Obama sent a Valentine’s Day present to the aviation community, including the unmanned systems industry, signing the long-overdue Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) bill into law on 14 Feb., which includes important provisions on the integration […]

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M1400 airship aft thruster installed | The Edgefighter

M1400 airship aft thruster installed | The Edgefighter. Essential engineering and manufacturing modifications made by Kawak Aviation to allow for non conventional vectoring of the engine.  All mounting parts designed and manufactured by  Kawak Aviation Technologies and our ingenious team. Pylons, Nacelle ( what the engine mounts to) and Cowling.

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